“When Grumpy Met Sunshine” by Charlotte Stein is a cute, slow-burn romantic comedy. Mabel, a plus-size ghostwriter, has been hired to help ex-footballer Alfie Harding get his memoir written, after unsuccessfully working through a slew of other writers.
After a photo of the two together lands them in the middle of a social media frenzy, a fake relationship between Mabel and Alfie ensues. It’s no surprise when the fake relationship starts generating feelings between the main characters, as the two get cozy over several dates and work sessions where Alfie begins to divulge truths about himself he hasn’t been able to admit to anyone else.
I absolutely love that this book showcases a plus-size female lead that got her HEA with a hunky football player at the end. I would have loved to see more character development on Mabel’s end; typical to other stories with similar premises, Mabel couldn’t believe that a “guy like him would like a girl like her” - mainly based on her size. Her insecurities were present throughout much of the storyline and were only diverted once she knew she had Alfie’s love. I would have loved to see a stronger, more confident FMC.
I also loved the banter between Alfie and Mabel. It was quick, witty, and even self-deprecating at times but it had me laughing out loud. You can see how the two would begin to have feelings for one another when the conversations and teasing came so easily.
Finally, I loved that Alfie’s memoir was essentially a love letter to Mabel. Readers could see that these two - who were sometimes delusional in thinking there weren’t any feelings there - were clearly falling in love with one another. It was definitely slowwwww burn but completely worth the wait when Alfie and Mabel finally came together.
If you’re looking for your next grumpy/sunshine, fake dating/workplace romance read, you’ll want to read this book. The banter between the main characters will hook you but the romance and inevitable love story between two main characters will keep you rooting for them long after the book is over.
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